
Objects of the Trust

The Trust is a Public Charitable one and will do all acts and deeds that which are public charitable in nature as defined under the Income Tax Act 1961. The specific objects for which the trust is declared:

  • To establish manage and maintain Special Schools for Deaf and Dumb, Blind etc School and Home for the mentally challenged especially of girls homes for the physically handicapped orphanages, Homes for the neglected and abandoned people of any kind, Home for the Aged and Destitute Founding Home (Infants Home) Centre for Adoption etc and to help for the marriage of poor girls in order to provide shelter to the neglected by the society.
  • To start establish construct take over or manage and maintain schools with an objective to provide sound pre-primary, primary, middle, secondary and higher secondary educational centers, colleges of higher technical standards by seeking the necessary recognitions.
  • To co-ordinate with the government and non-government agencies to promote the objects of the organization by way of creating Children’s Home, Home for Orphans, Old Age Homes, Women’s Hostel with Day Care Center, Rehabilitation Center for Mentally challenged Persons and Center for Disabled People.
  • To provide medical relief to the poor, distressed, afflicted and handicapped, persons mentally, Mentally challenged Child, physically or psychologically and for this purpose the start, establish, maintain, manage and help dispensaries, hospitals, medical centers, diagnostic centers, Ambulance Service, or other medical or aftercare institution.
  • To promote and undertake development activities for the needy and weaker sections of the society and to provide relief to the poor and perform works of charity for those in need throughout the country.
  • To promote education for poor and deserving students by providing them with scholarship.
  • To carry out objectives of general public utility such as village upliftment, rural development and reconstruction, public health and community development, welfare of women and children, promotion of cottage industries and to help any institution considered necessary to secure these objects.
  • To conduct health programmes to establish health center in rural village.
  • To promote the awareness of Polio, AIDS and general health by conducting medical camps, blood donation camps and conducting seminars.
  • To give, provide child or render help and assistance in ash or kind to poor, victims of natural calamites like earthquake, flood, fire, famine, cyclone, drought etc and destitute people, windows etc.
  • To introduce low cost housing projects.
  • To introduce Health care project and Insurance.
  • To protect and save of Rain and drinking water
  • To create and supply of food products
  • To plant to create Goat farm and poultry farm
  • To guide better education and getting admission
  • To conduct coaching and training programme


  • The funds of the trust shall be a sum of Rs. 1000/-as set forth in the original Trust deed. Except the said amount of Rs.1000/- there is no movable or immovable properties in the name of the trust at present.
  • For the furtherance of all or any of the aforesaid objectives of the trust shall have the power to organize collection and to raise funds through its trustees for carrying out the activities of the trust, by way of donations in India or abroad.


  • The income from property of the trust if any, will be applied solely for the promotion of the objects of the trust as set forth in the object clause and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profits dividends, interest, bonus or otherwise to any other persons provided nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith or remuneration to the officers, servant or employees of the trust and other persons in return of the services rendered to the trust.
  • It shall be absolutely in the discretion of the Managing Trustee to decide from time to time as to for which objects and purposes specified in the object clause hereof the entire corpus of the trust or net income of the trust property or portion(s) of either shall be utilized paid or spent by them and also the terms conditions, durations and the manner in which the same shall be so utilized paid or spent subject however to the conditions that the income of Corpus of the Trust shall be spent and applied exclusively for such objects and purposes only in India.

Trust Funds

  • Trustees may collect further contributions in cash or kind towards its Corpus Fund or General Fund or Revenue Fund or Earmarked Fund or any other Specific Fund.
  • Where the income and other receipts exceeds the expenditure of the trust, the surplus funds may be transferred to Corpus Fund or General Fund or Capital Fund or Revenue Fund or Earmarked Fund or any other Specific Fund.
  • The income and other receipts of the Trust shall be used to defray the capital and revenue expenses of the trust. Where such income or receipts and insufficient to meet the expenses of the trustees may use such portion of the Corpus Fund or General Fund or other Funds for the purposes as may be found necessary for the attainment of the objectives stated in the object clause.
  • The Trustees shall use the trust funds and assets for the benefit of General Public in India without discrimination as to sex, nationality, religion, caste, creed, language, or any other cause.
  • The funds of the Trust will be invested in such manner as prescribed under section 11 (5) read with section 13 (1) (d) of the Income Tax Act, 1961as amended from time to time.


  • The management of the affairs of the trust hall vest in a board of trustees. The board shall have all the powers incidental to and necessary for carrying out of administration of the trust having regard to the objects and purposes thereof.
  • The board shall function in accordance with the decision of the majority of the members of the board. Such decision may be arrived at in the meeting of the board or by circulation. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have in addition a casting vote. In case decision is arrived at a meeting of the board and if opinion is equally divided on circulation the Chairman will have the right to decide in favour or against the proposal.
  • The board of Trustee consists of Managing Trustee and other members nominated by the founder. The number of members of the board other than the founder trustee will be in accordance with what can be decided by the founder according to his discretion. It is subject to the condition that the total number of the trustees shall not be less than three and not more than fifteen. In selecting the board of trustees the Founder will have regard to the object and purpose of the trust. The nominated members shall be above 18 year of age and competent of contract. He/She should be a person not holding any office of profit under the trust.
  • The founder shall have full power regarding the constitution of the Board of Trustees. He can drop any of the nominated members of the board at any time, if he, in his description, decides it necessary for facilitating the management of the Trust.
  • Mr. Jabin Samuel shall be the Managing Trustee. The Managing Trustee will preside over the meetings of the board. In his absence the meeting of the board may function under any one of the Trustee ordered to so by the Managing Trustee.
  • The quorum for board meeting is not less than two.
  • If any vacancy arises in the board by death, resignation and disability, the Founder shall have the right to make substitution. The founder will be the Managing Trustee. After the demise of the Founder, any one of the remaining Trustees as mutually decided among them shall be the Managing Trustee.
  • The Managing Trustee has the right, power and duty to carry out the day-today administration of the Trust including the financial matters. He also has the power of the management of the affairs of the Trust for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees.


    The Managing Trustee/Founder

  • The founder will be Managing Trustee of the Trust who shall convene and preside over all the meetings of the Board of Trustees. In his absence any one of the Trustees agreed upon Board may preside over the meeting.
  • The Managing Trustee shall follow all the guidelines and execute decision that the Board might decide from time to time. However, he shall have powers to carry on the day-to-day activities of the Trust.
  • The Managing Trustee shall have overall powers in the administration of the Trust.
  • The Managing Trustee will represent the Trust in all courts and government and other public officers in consultation with the Board of Trustees or may depute the same to somebody else at her discretion.
  • The Secretary

  • The Secretary shall co-operate with the Managing Trustee and render all help to him all the activities of the Trust.
  • The Secretary shall convene all the meetings of the Board of Trustees as directed by the Managing Trustee and record the proceedings of the meetings in the minute’s book and obtain the signature of the Board of Trustees.
  • The Secretary will be responsible for all the records.
  • The Treasurer

  • The Treasurer shall keep proper and correct accounts for all receipts and expenditure of the Trust.
  • All receipts and payments shall have proper receipts and vouchers. All payments shall be made as per decisions passed by the Board of Trustees.
  • The treasurer shall take all efforts to build up the finance of the Trust in all possible ways.
  • The Treasure shall be co-operative with the Managing Trustee in all matters and activities of the Trust.
  • The treasurer shall be responsible for all properties of the Trust.


  • The Board of Trustees shall have the discretion and power to make necessary investments of Trust funds in the best interest of the Trust.
  • The board may frame rules by laws or regulations: (i) regarding the administration and the management of the Trust and duties and responsibilities for carrying out the objects of the Trust; (ii) regarding the appointment of committees, sub-committees and their obligations and duties and other matters connected with the Trust and its administration.
  • The board of Trustees has power to convert, to sell or to dispose of or dispense with any of the investments. The trustees may also deal with the movable and immovable properties of the trust and re-invest or change the nature of the investments.
  • The board shall have powers to borrow money and raise loans either by mortgaging the trust properties or otherwise for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the trust.


The Founder of the Trust or their nominees may have the custody of all the documents and files containing deeds relating to the trust and its properties. They are responsible for the preservation of such documents and deeds.


  • The board of Trustees may appoint experts and advisers to secure their services and to get their advice to further the objects of the Trust.
  • The board of Trustees may appoint committee or committees and entrust with them powers to execute or administer the projects that may have been undertaken by the Board while carrying out the objects of the Trust. The necessary expenditures may be met by the Trust.


Proper books of accounts shall be maintained in respect of all the income of the trust and the expenses incurred in carrying out the objects of the trust. The accounts so maintained shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant as stated in the explanation Section 288 (2) of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961.


The Accounting year of the Trust shall be from April to March


The Trustee shall respectively be indemnified against all liabilities incurred by them in the execution of the trust hereof and shall have a lien on the fund for such indemnity.


The funds of the trust shall be invested in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 (1) (d) read with section 11 (5) of the Income Tax Act 1961, and no fund shall be invested outside the ambit of Section 20 of the Indian Trust Act 1882.


For all the meetings of the Trust, a Chairman of the meetings will be decided to preside over the meetings of the Trust. Questions arising at meetings of the trustees shall be decided by the majority of voters and in case of an equally of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. One third of the trustees or 4 which ever is higher shall be the quorum. The Board of Trustees meeting shall be held at the Registered Office or any other place specified by the Managing Trustee.


The trustees shall cause proper minutes to be kept and entered in a book provided for the purpose of all their resolutions and proceedings and any such minutes of any meeting of the trustees, if purporting to be signed by the chairman of such meeting or by the chairman of the next succeeding meeting shall be receivable as prima facie evidence of the matters stated in such minutes.


The Activities of the trust are open to citizens of India without any distinction of religion, caste, creed, sex, place of birth or any of them and are not expressed to be for the benefit of any individual or community.


The trust so formed shall be irrevocable. The board may amend the classes relating to membership and management and also pertaining to the objectives of the Trust, which shall include deletion, amendment, and addition of the objectives of the Trust at the duly convened meeting of the board by resolution passed by the majority of the Trustees, and for passing such resolution to weeks notice shall be given to the persons entitled to attend such meeting.


The Activities of the trust are open to citizens of India without any distinction of religion, caste, creed, sex, place of birth or any of them and are not expressed to be for the benefit of any individual or community.


Bank account can be opened in the name of the trust in any of the Nationalized, Scheduled, Co-operative, Regional Rural Banks or other banks of Financial Institutions as the Managing Trustee shall operate the said account.


No Trustee has the right to remuneration for his trouble, skill, and loss of the time in executing the objects of the trust. However, any trustee shall with the consent of other trustees be remunerated for the services provided by her in his capacity as a technical / professional man.


On account of gross negligence on the part of any trustee, it shall be open for the Board of Trustee to pass a resolution by a majority that such a trustee is discharged and from the date of such resolution such a trustee shall be considered to have been discharged.



  • The entire Trustee shall collectively called “Board of Trustees”
  • Staff

  • The Board has power to appoint employees of the Trust and to pay and give allowance to such persons.
  • Accretion Of Corpus

  • The Board has the power to accumulate the corpus and of the balance of income from trust properties after meeting the expenses of the trust and or the institutions with liberty to trustees to spend such accumulation of the balance of income for establishment and running of homes or other institutions for carrying out the objects of the trust.
  • Arbitration

  • The trustees shall have full power to compromise or compound all actions, suits and other proceedings and settle difference and disputes touching the trust property and to refer any such difference or disputes to arbitration and to adjust and settle all accounts relating to the trust property and to do all other act, things fully and effectually without being liable or answerable for any bonafide loss occasioned there by.
  • Execution

  • The trustees shall have the power to arrange for and or authorize the signing or execution of any agreement, contract, instrument document or any other paper or writing required to be signed or executed on behalf of the trustees by the author of the trust or any trustee authorized by the author of the trust in writing to make the same effective and binding as if the said agreement, contract, instrument or document or paper or writing were signed by all trustees.
  • Sue And Be Sued

  • The Board of Trustees shall be entitled to sue in the name of the Trust and may similarly be sued in the name of the trust.
  • Co-Option

  • The Founder may co-opt any new or additional trustee. On signing his acceptance by the co-opted trustee, the trust property shall automatically vest in her along with other trustees for the time being and the co-opted trustees will be entitled to carry out all the duties and function of the trust without any other deed or writing.
  • Portfolio Management

  • The board of Trustees shall have the power to purchase, acquire, taken on lease or mortgage land and immovable properties and to construct, build, repair, rejuvenate, rehabilitate and develop any immovable property for the purpose of the trust and for purchase, acquire, taken on lease any movable property including furniture, fixtures, books, conveyance for the purpose of the trust. Further the trustees shall manage or supervise the management of immovable properties, hereditaments and premises acquired out of the trust money in the best interest of the trust for which it in created and shall take all precautions such as insurance etc., as they may in their absolute discretion think fit.


In the event of dissolution or winding up, the asserts over liabilities of the trust shall be transferred to another trust / institution etc., with similar objects and which enjoys the benefits of sections 2 (15) 11,12,13 and 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act,1961.


  • Title Deed Any Trustee is entitled to have in his possession instruments of the trust and all the documents of title (if any) relating the trust property.
  • Reimbursement Of Expenses Every trustee may reimburse himself herself or pay or discharge out of trust property all expenses properly incurred in or about the execution of the trust or the realization, preservation or benefits of the trust property.
  • Right To Settlement Of Accounts All the trustees are entitled to have the accounts of the administration of the trust property examined and settled.
  • General In addition to the powers conferred expressly by this instrument a trustee may do all acts which are reasonable and proper for the realization, protection or benefit of the trust property so as to the attainment of the objective of the trust so formed.


Where the income of the relevant year is not applied for charitable purposes the trust may accumulate or set a part either the whole or part of its income for future application for such educational or charitable purposes.


  • The trustees do not have the power to alter or carry out any amendment so as to affect the basic character or objects of the trust and which are proved to be repugnant to sections 2(15), 11, 12, 13 and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961..
  • All the activities / services proposed to be undertaken and carried out by the trust shall be for the welfare of the public and shall not function in the nature of carrying on any business activity and not for the purpose of profit. Any activities will not be conducted for making mere profit and particularly they will be incidental for the attainment of the main objects as per the conditions stipulated in section 11 (4) and proviso to section 80 G (50) (i) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
  • The Trust has no movable or immovable properties.
  • The Corpus fund of the trust is Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) In witness whereof the trustee of the Trust has executed this declaration of the trust, the day and month and year first above written.